Every day live fish such as Bigeye scad (Mushi mas) and Mackeral scad (Rimmas) are kept in cages in highly polluted Male’ inner harbour in front of the Fish Market. Local fishermen catch the fish from various areas and put them in the cages to be kept alive. These cages are kept in stagnated waters where oil and all sorts of trash from boats are accumulated. From the cages these fish are collected and put in baskets in Fish Market for selling.

Cages in highly polluted water in front of Malé Fish Market.

Bigeye scad and Mackeral scad is commonly found in cafés and tea shops in Malé. They are also consumed at households. Some people who have bought Mackeral scad and Bigeye scad have complained of “kerosene-like taste” from these fish.

All sorts of trash accumulated near the cages in front of Fish Market.

Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA), the competent authority established in 2006 to set the standards relating to food and drugs in Maldives, and the authority for certification of fish products to EU Market in the Maldives, while being completely aware of hygienic situation of fish sold in Fish Market in Malé, still allows live fish such as Mackeral scad and Bigeye scad to be kept in these cages and sold in Malé Fish Market.


In the TVM evening news on March 15, MFDA admitted that it was aware of the unhygienic conditions in the Fish Market and surrounding areas. However, it has not taken any action to stop the selling of fish from the unhygienic fish cages in polluted waters.

Fish from the cages are sold in the Fish Market.

Till very recently, contaminated groundwater was used at Fish Market for cleaning fish and washing the market floors.

According to the State of the Environment Report 2002, sewage effluent, potentially harmful substances and different chemicals are disposed untreated into coastal water of Malé, by means of nine outfalls at six different locations. “The pollution load from these sewer outfalls probably exceeds the dilution capacity of the receiving waters,” State of the Environment Report 2002 said.

ހަޑިމުޑުދާރު މަސް ވިއްކަން މާރުކޭޓުގައި

މާލޭގެ މަސް މާރުކޭޓުގެ ކުރިމަތީގައި އޮންނަ ފަޅު ތެރޭގައި މުށިމަހާއި ރިތްމަސް ދިރުވަން ބަހައްޓާފައި ހުންނަ ކޮށިތަކުގެ ތެރޭގައި އަދި ކޮށި ތަކުގެ ކައިރީގައި ވެސް ތެލާއި އެކި ބާވަތްތަކުގެ ކުނިބުނި ޖަމާވެފައި ހުރެއެވެ. މަސްވެރިން އެކިތަންތަނުން ހިފައިގެން ގެންނަ މަސް، ކޮށިތަކުގައި ދިރުވާފައި ބެހެއްޓުމަށްފަހު ކޮންމެ ދުވަހަކުވެސް އެތަނުން ބައެއް މަސް ވިއްކުމަށްޓަކައި މާރުކޭޓުގައި ބަހައްޓާފައި ހުރެއެވެ. މަސް ދިރުވަން ބަހައްޓާފައި ހުންނަ ސަރަޙައްދަކީ ރަގަޅަށް ފެން ދައުރު ނުވާ، އަދި ދޯނިފަހަރުން އެޅޭ ތަފާތު ކުނިބުންޏާއި ތެލުގެ ސަބަބުން ތަޣައްޔަރު ވެފައިވާ ސަރަޙައްދެކެވެ.

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މުށިމަހާއި ރިތްމަހަކީ މާލޭގެ ސައި ހޮޓާތަކުގައި ޢާއްމުކޮށް Þ€ÞªÞ‚Þ°Þ‚Þ¦ ބާވަތްތަކެކެވެ. Þ‡Þ¦Þ‹Þ¨ ވަރަށް ÞŽÞ¨Þ‚Þ¦ ÞŽÞ­ÞŽÞ­ÞŽÞ¦Þ‡Þ¨ ވެސް ކެއުމަށް Þ„Þ­Þ‚ÞªÞ‚Þ°Þ†ÞªÞƒÞ§ Þ‡Þ¬Þ‡Þ°Þ—Þ¬Þ†Þ¬ÞˆÞ¬. Þ‰Þ§ÞƒÞªÞ†Þ­Þ“ÞªÞ‚Þ° މުށިމަހާއި ރިތްމަސް ÞŽÞ¦Þ‚Þ°Þ‚Þ¦ Þ„Þ¦Þ‡Þ¬Þ‡Þ° Þ‰Þ©Þ€ÞªÞ‚Þ° Þ‰Þ¦Þ€ÞªÞŽÞ¦Þ‡Þ¨ “ކަރާސީނު ކަހަލަ” ތެޔޮ ÞƒÞ¦Þ€Þ¦Þ‡Þ¬Þ‡Þ° Þ€ÞªÞ‚Þ°Þ‚Þ¦ Þ†Þ¦Þ‰ÞªÞŽÞ¬ ޝަކުވާ ކޮށްފައި ÞˆÞ¬Þ‡Þ¬ÞˆÞ¬.

މޯލްޑިވްސް ފުޑް އެންޑް ޑްރަގް އޮތޯރިޓީ (އެމް.އެފް.ޑީ.އޭ) އަކީ ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގައި ކާބޯތަކެއްޗާއި ބޭސްތަކުގެ ފެންވަރާއި ޞިއްޙީ މިންގަނޑުތައް ކަނޑައެޅުމަށްޓަކައި 2006 ވަނަ އަހަރު އުފައްދާފައިވާ ރަސްމީ އިދާރާ އެވެ. މިއީ ޔޫރަޕިއަން ޔޫނިއަންއަށް ދިވެހިރާއްޖެއިން އެކްސްޕޯޓް ކުރާ މަހުގެ ބާވަތްތަކަށް ސެޓްފިކެޓް ރާއްޖޭގައި ދޫކުރާ އިދާރާ ވެސް މެއެވެ. ނަމަވެސް އެއިދާރާއަށް ވެސް މަސް މާރުކޭޓު ކުރިމަތީގައި ފަޅުތެރޭ ޞިއްޙީ ގޮތުން އެކަށީގެންވާ މިންގަނޑުތަކަށް ނުފެތޭ ޙާލަތުގައި މަސް ދިރުވައިގެން ވިއްކާކަން އެގިފައި އޮތް ނަމަވެސް މިކަމަށް ފިޔަވަޅެއް އަޅާފައި ނުވެއެވެ.

15 މާރޗް ވަނަ ދުވަހުގެ ރޭ ޓީވީ މޯލްޑިވްސްގެ ޚަބަރުގައި އެމް.އެފް.ޑީ.އޭ ގެ ފަރާތުން ވަނީ މަސް މާރުކޭޓާއި އަދި މާރުކޭޓުގެ ކައިރި ސަރަޙައްދުގައި ޞިއްޙީ މިންގަނޑުތަކަށް ނުފެތޭ ކަންތައް ހުރި ކަމަށް ހާމަކޮށްފައެވެ. ނަމަވެސް ތަޣައްޔަރުވެފައިވާ ފަޅުތެރޭގައި މަސް ދިރުވައި ވިއްކުން ހުއްޓުވާލާފައެއް ނުވެއެވެ.

ދާދި ފަހަކާއި ޖެހެންދެން މަސް މާރުކޭޓުގައި މަސް ދޮންނަން އަދި މާރުކޭޓުގެ ތަޅުންގަނޑު ސާފުކުރަން ވެސް ބޭނުންކޮށްފައިވަނީ ތަޣައްޔަރުވެފައިވާ ފެނެވެ.

ސްޓޭޓް Þ‡Þ®ÞŠÞ° Þ‹Þ¨ Þ‡Þ¬Þ‚Þ°ÞˆÞ¦Þ”Þ¦ÞƒÞ¦Þ‚Þ°Þ‰Þ¦Þ‚Þ°Þ“Þ° ÞƒÞ¨Þ•Þ¯Þ“Þ° 2002 Þ„Þ¦Þ”Þ§Þ‚Þ° Þ†ÞªÞƒÞ§ ގޮތުގައި ނަޖިހާއި، ÞžÞ¨Þ‡Þ°Þ™Þ© ނުރައްކާތައް Þ‰Þ¬Þ‹ÞªÞˆÞ¬ÞƒÞ¨ÞˆÞ¬Þ‹Þ§Þ‚Þ¬ ÞŠÞ¦Þ‹Þ¦ ބާވަތްތައް Þ‡Þ¦Þ‹Þ¨ ތަފާތު ކެމިކަލްތައް އެއްވެސް ވަރަކަށް Þ“Þ°ÞƒÞ©Þ“Þ° ނުކޮށް މާލޭގެ ވަށައިގެންވާ މޫދަށް Þ‹Þ«Þ†ÞªÞƒÞ¬ÞˆÞ¬Þ‡Þ¬ÞˆÞ¬. Þ‡Þ¬Þ‡Þ© ތަފާތު Þ€Þ¦ ދިމާލެއްގައި Þ€ÞªÞ‚Þ°Þ‚Þ¦ 9 Þ€Þ®Þ…Þ¨Þ‚Þ°Þ‚Þ¬ÞˆÞ¬. Þ‡Þ¬ÞƒÞ¨Þ•Þ¯Þ“Þª ބުނާގޮތުން ނަޖިސް Þ„Þ­ÞƒÞªÞ†ÞªÞƒÞ§ ހޮޅިތަކުން Þ„Þ­ÞƒÞªÞ†ÞªÞƒÞ§ ބާވަތްތަކުގެ ސަބަބުން ތަޣައްޔަރުވާ މިންވަރު، Þ‡Þ¬ ބާވަތްތައް Þ‡Þ¬Þ…Þ­ ސަރަޙައްދުގެ ލޮނުފެނުން އެބާވަތްތައް “ޑައިލިއުޓް” Þ†ÞªÞƒÞ¬ÞˆÞ­ މިންވަރަށް ÞˆÞªÞƒÞ¬ މަތިވާނެ ކަމަށް ލަފާކުރެވެއެވެ.


  1. Rasheed said,

    March 15, 2008 @ 7:31 pm

    .Please investigate and write more.
    Many Thanks to Bluepeace for a great job..

  2. Oi Iya Vattalau said,

    March 15, 2008 @ 9:03 pm

    When MFDA was able to lock up many cafes and teashops in last years random check up for hygiene standards, it questions me why MFDA wasn’t able to lock up fish baskets and fish sellers which/who doest fit the regulation. If there is a regulation to govern the standards of hygiene MFDA is not supposed to check only cafes and restaurants, they are mandated to check all hygiene and food security issues.

    It’s an important issue to take immediate action. If these fish suffocate and die in highly contaminated water, our elderly, young and women going to be the victims of these contaminated fish.

    When MFDA issues certificates for export fish, at the same time they must to certify the fish for sale in our fish market fit for consumption.

  3. Dr Niyaf said,

    March 16, 2008 @ 12:52 am

    Speechless! What is the solution to this? So many PET bottles too.

    How about setting up a collection point for empty PET bottles with 10Laari (maybe more) paid per bottle brought? That may prompt people to actually NOT throw away the bottles and even perhaps get scavengers to collect them from the water (and other areas) for profit!

    Other debris: the fisherman and others using the area should also change their ways of disposing common (and uncommon) waste. I am ignorant on this: but is there a bin or other garbage collection area in the immediate vicinity? Can there be a service, adequately manned, that could collect the rubbish from the docking vessels (for a charge of course)? If after providing these facilities people pollute the waters they should be fined.

    I really don’t know of a short-term solution to the sewage problem. I am sure others would. Can we suggest some solutions as well please?

    I won’t be able to eat mushi mas now.

  4. futtaru faraaiy said,

    March 16, 2008 @ 5:35 am

    Dr Niyaf: I also don’t know if there is a bin in the immediate vicinity. But Male’ Municipality has recently removed all bins for garbage collection in various points of Male’. They said only very few people use the bins, and that majority of the users were expatriates. It is as if they think the expatriates should better take all the garbage to the main dump in Male’ near the power station. Now everybody in Male’ have to take the garbage to the main dump.

    Minivan Daily has reported that more people have started throwing garbage on streets after Male’ Municipality removed the bins.,com_magazine/func,show_article/id,6746/

    Male’ Municipality is a total failure. Look at this dirty city. Go to the new harbour area and you will see how unplanned, gross and ugly this capital city really is.

    I wonder what the fat MPs in our parliament is doing when such large scale health, food safety and environmental problems are plaguing the islands of Maldives. Is it that they don’t have enough time for people because they have their own business interests as priority since most of them are rich capitalist businessmen?

    “Þ‰Þ¨Þ‰Þ¦Þ€Þª 1 ÞˆÞ¦Þ‚Þ¦ Þ‹ÞªÞˆÞ¦Þ€Þª މާލޭގައި Þ„Þ¦Þ€Þ¦Þ‡Þ°Þ“Þ§ÞŠÞ¦Þ‡Þ¨ Þ€ÞªÞƒÞ¨ Þ†ÞªÞ‚Þ¨ ޑަސްބިންތައް Þ‚Þ¬ÞŽÞªÞ‰ÞªÞ‚Þ° މާލޭގެ Þ„Þ¦Þ‡Þ¬Þ‡Þ° ސަރަހައްދުތަކަށް Þ‡Þ§Þ‹Þ¦Þ”Þ§ ހިލާފަށް ÞŽÞ¨Þ‚Þ¦Þ‡Þ¨Þ‚Þ° Þ†ÞªÞ‚Þ¨Þ‡Þ¦Þ…Þ¦Þ‚Þ° ފަށައިފިއެވެ. މިގޮތުން ފާހަގަކޮށްލެވޭ ދެސަރަހައްދަކީ ތާޖުއްދީން ސްކޫލް Þ†Þ¦Þ‡Þ¨ÞƒÞ©ØŒ Þ†ÞªÞƒÞ¨Þ‚Þ° Þ†ÞªÞ‚Þ¨ ޑަސްބިން Þ„Þ¦Þ€Þ¦Þ‡Þ°Þ“Þ§ÞŠÞ¦Þ‡Þ¨ÞˆÞ§ ސަރަހައްދާއި Þ€Þ§Þ„Þ¦ÞƒÞªÞŽÞ¦Þ‡Þ¨ Þ†ÞªÞƒÞ¨Þ‚Þ° Þ†ÞªÞ‚Þ¨ ޑަސްބިސް Þ„Þ¬Þ€Þ¬Þ‡Þ°Þ“Þ¨ ސަރަހައްދެވެ.

    Þ‰Þ¨ މައްސަލައާއި ÞŽÞªÞ…Þ¨ÞŽÞ¬Þ‚Þ° Þ„Þ¦Þ€Þ¬Þ‡Þ° ހޯއްދާލުމަށް މާލޭ މުނިސިޕަލިޓީގެ Þ‘Þ¨ÞƒÞ¬Þ†Þ°Þ“Þ¦Þƒ (Þ—Þ¦Þ‰Þ°Þ•Þ§) އަބްދުﷲ ސަލީމަށް ގުޅާލުމުން ÞˆÞ¨Þ‹Þ§Þ…ÞªÞˆÞ© “Þ‰Þ¨Þ‡ÞªÞ…Þ¬Þ‚Þ© ތަނެއް ÞƒÞ¯ÞˆÞ¬ÞŽÞ¬Þ‚Þ° Þ‚Þ«Þ‚Þ°” ކަމަށެވެ. Þ‡Þ¦Þ‹Þ¨ Þ‰Þ¨Þ‡Þ© އެމަޖެންސީ ÞˆÞ§Þ‚Þ°Þ–Þ¬Þ€Þ­ Þ†Þ¦Þ‰Þ¬Þ‡Þ° ނޫންކަމަށް ÞˆÞ¨Þ‹Þ§Þ…ÞªÞˆÞ¬ މާލޭ މުނިސިޕަލިޓީން މުއާމަލާތްކުރަނީ ލިޔެފައިވާ ފެކްސިންކަމަށް ÞˆÞ¨Þ‹Þ§Þ…ÞªÞˆÞ¨Þ‡Þ¬ÞˆÞ¬.

    “ފެކްސް Þ†ÞªÞƒÞ­ØŒ Þ„Þ­Þ‚ÞªÞ‚Þ°ÞˆÞ§ މައުލޫމާތެއް Þ€Þ¯Þ‹Þ¦Þ‚Þ° Þ„Þ­Þ‚ÞªÞ‚Þ°Þ‚Þ¦Þ‰Þ¦. Þ‰Þ¨Þ„ÞªÞ‚Þ©Þ‡Þ¬Þ‡Þ°Þ‚Þª ފެކްސް ކުރާށޭ. އެހެންޔާ، Þ‰Þ¨Þ‡ÞªÞ…Þ¬Þ‚Þ© ތަނެއްގައި ÞƒÞ¯ÞˆÞ¬ÞŽÞ¬Þ‚Þ° Þ‚Þ«Þ‚Þ°ÞˆÞ¨Þ”Þ¦” ÞŠÞ¯Þ‚Þª ކަނޑާލައްވަމުން Þ†Þ¯ÞŠÞ§ އިސްކުރައްވައި ސަލީމް ÞˆÞ¨Þ‹Þ§Þ…ÞªÞˆÞ¨Þ‡Þ¬ÞˆÞ¬.”
    – Þ‰Þ¨Þ‚Þ¨ÞˆÞ¦Þ‚Þ° ނޫސް، 2 Þ‰Þ§ÞƒÞ—Þ° 2008

  5. Oi Iya Vattalau said,

    March 16, 2008 @ 6:41 am

    If Saleem has responded rude he must be removed from Municipality, he might have thought that Municipality is one of champa groups resort office.

  6. Ekaloa said,

    March 16, 2008 @ 12:01 pm

    Where is the father of thimaaveshi, when all these things are happening just on daylight, near the most populated area of this nation. Good job Bluepeace is doing, just saying that we are doing things to get world attention does not means, we protect our environment.

  7. Ekaloa said,

    March 16, 2008 @ 12:06 pm

    What Environment Ministry has done to clarify this to public. Where are all those chains of Ministers, Deputy Ministers EDGS and DGS. Every Ministry has these guys more than secretaries, after all what they are doing. Where is TV Salley who has got most promotions recently, who happen to claim to be environmental analyst.

  8. Oi Iya Vattalau said,

    March 16, 2008 @ 6:35 pm

    Moosa Anwar of Food and Drug Authority said that he has tested groundwater of fish market area before the incidence of 5 deaths, he also said that he did those tests for his own need not for public interest and he sent those water quality test report to Male Municipality. that ended his job.
    According to Moosa Anwar, the groundwater used for fish washing at fish market is highly contaminated with sewage and toxic gases, he confirmed. The question is why MFDA didn’t inform fish market management that the water used for fish washing is contaminated with sewage and other toxic gases. if MFDA did inform the test result to fish market management, the five deaths might not have been occurred.

    Its a common practice in Maldives that they keep on testing water quality and keep the reports filed. Take no action, no matter the water is polluted with human waste and highly toxic substance. Authorities always conclude the water quality is above WHO standard. that ends their job.
    Never try to find the source of contamination, never try to find the polluter, never try to rectify the problem.

    Maldivians feel that groundwater by nature is a contaminated source of water, which isnt true. Its a pure source in most cases. Due to humans it gets polluted and become a deadly source.

  9. Ekaloa said,

    March 17, 2008 @ 7:48 pm

    Moosa Anwar is a great veteran scientist who served in Gan Royal Air Force, his idea of testing the ground water was brilliant. But the problem is the top order in Ministry of Health and Ministry of environment both are nut heads. They both does not have any capacity to deal either environmental or health crisis. Simply they are not qualified to hold those posts in 21st century Maldives.

  10. oi thoa madhun hishufala said,

    March 18, 2008 @ 3:27 am

    Moosa anwar shuld inform relavent authorities whn this thing came up and he shuld inform the public about this as well! where is the MWSA the testiting guys? where is judhead phD Dr Mohammed Ali? i think most of these guys wanted to be media tycoons, it is very famous here in Maldives thing these days! Moosa Anwaru is retired nurse of RAF Gan and he has served in the health sector for more than 3 decades. but the problems is with all the experieces has gained he is also behaving like these jugheads! these issues shuld be discussed and action taken by relavent authorities!

  11. mahuvai billahi ma hathahuvai said,

    March 18, 2008 @ 3:32 am

    i guess we all know whats happeing near fishmarket. all including people from fisheries Ministry, MFDA, MWSA, Municipalty and others know these issue. unfortunatelly no body is taking responisbilty. when there type of incidents happens, all wants to be shown on media that they have made alarms of these long time back. if Dr. Moosa Anwar is professional guy, he should have taken an action againt this. i think all sectors need to be reformed urgently.

  12. Oi Iya Vattalau said,

    March 18, 2008 @ 5:42 am

    I call the families of the 5 deaths to file a court case against MWSA, MWSC, FDA, Municipality. this is serious, this time we shall bring the heads of these authorities to court. each of these authorities is trying to escape from the boat.
    The court case shall be raised against following people.
    The RAF nurse ( Mr. Thutheee – Moosa Anwar) why didnt he inform this to public, he would have informed this into media, at least people would have been avoided touching that poison. Having known that that under the fish market is poison, Moosa didn’t kep the report in his poket. he is telling that he did it for his private need, are they doing nuclear test keeping this secret from public.

  13. Oi Iya Vattalau said,

    March 18, 2008 @ 5:55 am

    MWSC is smiling now, as they are selling huge volume of their water for fish washing.Þ© thats what Mr. Rasheed immediately said after the incident. its not to good to wash fresh fish with water containing high residual chlorine, the fish when you put into refrigerator where starts the problem. we usually keep fish in fridge for one to two weeks.

    Its hundred times better to wash fish with seawater. Take seawater from ocean by an intake line.

  14. Issay said,

    April 24, 2008 @ 9:18 am

    I totally agree to the above comment….

    Just wnned to add, have any of you seen the part of the reef where they dump all the fish waste, every night..
    My god, the reef is a what you call (nothing will ever grow here) zone….

    If i get a hold of any pics id luv to post to this blog..

    Anyway, keep up the great work…

  15. someone said,

    April 26, 2008 @ 11:21 am

    i think it not the authorities who should be blamed for everything. its our country and we are also to be blamed for those things. how many of us think before throwin things. i am not supportin the government and i am not agaisnt them. if we all try to make our country clean it will happen. how many of us think before spitting the “raiy kulu” on the road” how many think before throwing things to the sea. i guess no one. so we all should work together isntead of pointing fingers to others

  16. Issay said,

    April 28, 2008 @ 8:32 am

    So, Someone, your saying, if your kid tries to steal from his/her teachers bag, its his/her fault???? i guess if you were the parent, your supposed to discipline them.. what you think…!!

    So if there were a few retards in the country who spits on the road, you want the ministers to follow them as well,together with all the government authorities.????. Hey come onnnnnn.. get real…Mr Someone.. LOL

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